Maré Cheia - Agenda de Eventos

by Município da Moita

Travel & Local


A Tide Full of useful information, stories and activities arrives every month to the residents of the municipality of Moita. Meeting point with the Municipality and starting point for many discoveries about the territory and the community in which we live, the municipal events agenda is recognized by its own name and contributes to promoting greater public participation in the events held, to raise awareness and dignify memories and traditions, reflecting the values ​​of public service, solidarity, interculturality and citizen participation that are present in all of the City Councils programming.Maré Cheia has now spilled over to a new digital platform. The mobile application version of Maré Cheia brings you all the cultural programming happening in the municipality of Moita, in areas such as dance, music, sports, cinema, books, activities for children or fairs and parties. In addition, it shows you the cultural and natural heritage, municipal projects, gastronomy, associations, and also gathers useful information about points of interest in the county, the tides, of course, and much more.